Monica Rucki, feels her international experience with Engineers
Without Borders was vital in shaping her personal and professional
goals - photo courtesy of Monica Rucki
UBC Reports | Vol. 50 | No. 10 | Nov.
4, 2004
An International Vision for UBC
At a time when we may be tempted to feel superior to our
neighbours to the south, what Canadians really need is a new
sense of urgency about being better connected to the world,
said one of Canada’s leading political journalists.
University Hosts Community Remembrance Day Ceremony
The university’s annual Remembrance Day service will
be held Thu. Nov. 11 in War Memorial Gym for members of the
campus and neighbouring communities as well as veterans and
members of the Armed Forces.
Turning Innovation into Commercial Success
A catalyst for commercialization is how he describes himself.
Gary Albach, UBC’s new Entrepreneur-in-Residence --
the first such full-time position at a Canadian university
-- hopes to boost the success of UBC start-up companies by
serving as a liaison to markets and investors as well as coach
and mentor.
Coping with Chronic Arthritis Pain
Can a helping hand actually be a hindrance? A new study by
UBC psychology doctoral student Susan Holtzman examines how
support networks assist or impede patients in coping with
the daily pain of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Exercising the Funny Bone while Educating the Mind
It all started with a cartoon. Three hours and many laughs
later, Elaine Decker had successfully defended her PhD, provoked
and entertained her examiners, and given humour a serious
theoretical twist.
Old Computers and Toxic Waste
Toxic chemicals used as flame retardants are building up
in the bodies of people and animals worldwide and a UBC chemical
engineer suspects that your old computer monitor, keyboard
and mouse may be to blame.
The Next Generation of Women Scientists
Computer science professor Anne Condon has been named Chair
of a new program designed to increase the participation of
women in science and engineering in the B.C. and Yukon regions.
Campus-Wide Anti-Virus Program Saves Money and Grief
It’s like a giant virtual condom that covers more than
400 hectares of land and extends its protection remotely throughout
the Lower Mainland.
All Alone: Too Many Mothers Give Birth Miles from Home
For thousands of B.C. women, having a baby has meant leaving
home and family, travelling hundreds of kilometres, and sitting
in a motel room for days or weeks waiting for labour to start.
A Vision for a Community Schoolyard
Tom Beasley was playing ball with his son Alex in the yard
of his neighbourhood school when he first noticed it. Although
the day was beautiful and sunny, the grounds of Sir John Franklin
Elementary School were deserted.
The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity
and Beyond
In his new book, Stephen Ward, an associate professor at
the the School of Journalism, examines journalism ethics through
philosophical and historical lenses.
Alumni Association Endorses Second McEachern Term
The Board of Directors of the UBC Alumni Association has
endorsed Allan McEachern for a second term as UBC Chancellor.
Microscopic UBC
To borrow a phrase from another significant moment in science
-- it was one very small step for man, but a giant leap for
Canadian nanoscience.
United Way Surpasses the Halfway Mark
It’s mid-way through the 2004 UBC United Way campaign
to raise $525,000 and things are rolling along smoothly, says
Stan Auerbach, Chair of this year’s campaign.