Brett Finlay, one of Canada's top scientists in the
fight against disease.
UBC Reports | Vol. 48 | No. 14 | Dec.
5, 2002
UBCs Top Honour Goes to Microbe Fighter
UBCs most prestigious academic honour -- last held
by the late Michael Smith, Nobel laureate -- has gone to a
bacterial disease researcher whose work could save the lives
of millions and protect Canadas food and water supply
from contamination.
U.S. Professors Attracted to UBC
Don Krug wasnt looking for a job change. But before
he knew it the siren call of academic flexibility had this
Wisconsin native packing up his intriguing cheese head hat
collection and moving west from Ohio State University (OSU)
to start his new job at UBC.
Carrying on the Torch for Terry
Stephanie McClellan got into the Terry Fox Hall of Fame by
doing things others said she couldnt do.
Five Questions for Richard Anstee
The UBC Faculty Association represents about 2,500 members,
including full and part-time faculty, lecturers, librarians,
program directors and sessional lecturers.
Professors, Married With Students
Working alongside your spouse is not everyones ideal
situation, but for academic couples, a campus is often their
office and their home.
The Challenge for Partnered Professors
From Marie and Pierre Curie to Masters and Johnson, some
of the worlds greatest research has been done by partners
whose professional and personal interests overlap. Yet it
can be difficult for academic pairs to find jobs in the same
field on one campus.
New Faces in the Faculty
Meet some of the 130 new full-time UBC professors this year.
New Graduates are New Alumni
When a graduate walks across the stage during convocation
ceremony, he or she stops in front of the Chancellor who then
taps the grad on the head and says, I admit you.
Alumni Spotlight
Wallace Chung joined VGH after graduating from McGill in
1953. He became a member of the faculty of Medicine at UBC
and established vascular surgery as a new specialty and a
separate division of surgery at VGH and UBC.
Closing in on the Goal - UBC United Way Campaign
As the 2002 UBC United Way campaign draws to a close, volunteers
and donors continue to keep up the hard work.
Japanese Police Train at UBC
Since 1993, the National Police Agency of Japan has been
sending young police officers to the UBC English Language
Institute for an eight-week ESP (English for Specific Purposes)