UBC Reports | Vol. 48 | No. 14 | Dec.
5, 2002
Japanese Police Train at UBC
Since 1993, the National Police Agency of Japan has been
sending young police officers to the UBC English Language
Institute for an eight-week ESP (English for Specific Purposes)
program. The course is designed to develop young police officers
international understanding through language training, knowledge
of Canadian policing, and cultural exchange with Canadians.
The officers, 26 men and four women this year, study at UBC
in the mornings and attend police-related lectures or activities
several afternoons per week. The officers also participate
in activities such as rock climbing, cycling in Stanley Park,
Halloween, attending hockey games, a golf tournament with
the Vancouver Police Department, an RCMP social, and a weekend
stay with a police officers family. A highlight of the
program is the martial arts demonstration they put on each
year as a way of saying thank you and sharing some of their
culture with the general public.
For more information, contact 604-822-1526 or email trish.fodor@ubc.ca.