UBC.ca - 2003/04 Annual Report

Sharina Janif

Sharina Janif, a staff researcher, enjoys the university's internationally acclaimed Museum of Anthropology. She loves the many diverse learning and social opportunities offered at UBC.

Chief Kwekwelis Memorial Pole, 1951, by Mungo Martin, Kwakwaka'wakw. Collection of the UBC Museum of Anthropology.

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{Incomparable Campus

Envision the Future

Surrounded by parks, mountains and ocean, UBC provides a stunning learning setting that's hard to beat. As part of a planning framework called University Town, it aims to fulfill the vision of its founders for a world-leading "university city in an idyllic setting." It envisions a stimulating, complete learning community evoking comparisons to the best campuses of the world -- Princeton, Cambridge, Berkeley and Ann Arbor.

Such places are vibrant communities, complete with a dynamic cultural vibe that feeds the learning core. Places where you can explore renowned museums and provocative art exhibitions. Attend lectures by a Nobel laureate. Sip coffee on a quiet boulevard of bookstores and shops. Or enjoy classical music in one of the world's top concert halls. All, just steps from your own home.

In UBC's University Town, nine unique neighborhoods will enrich the research and teaching core, with a mix of housing, shops, parks and other amenities. Students, faculty and staff will live side-by-side with British Columbians, enjoying unparalleled learning opportunities and destination-class back-yard attractions, such as the Museum of Anthropology, the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, and the Belkin Art Gallery.

The vision will unfold with a singular concern for preserving UBC's natural environment. That means working to reduce commuting traffic. It also means developing more award-winning, environmentally friendly "green" buildings. And celebrating our neighbouring precious parklands. Thanks to a broad range of sustainability initiatives, UBC is already leading the nation in efforts to reduce energy consumption and preserve its extraordinary natural legacy.

Revenues from University Town will grow UBC's endowment. They will ensure the university is able to provide B.C. and Canadian students with one of the world's best university educations for years to come.


UBC is an international role model for developing a sustainable university. It opened Canada's first campus sustainability office in 1998, and is on track to reduce CO2 emissions by 25 per cent well before the Kyoto deadline of 2010. UBC is Canada's only university to receive Green Campus Recognition from the U.S.-based National Wildlife Federation.

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