Eugenia Choi's violin connects her to ecosystems in danger -
photo by Martin Dee
UBC Reports | Vol. 55 | No. 3 | Mar.
5, 2009
Green Virtuoso
What do polar bears and violins have in common? If you ask renowned concert violinist Eugenia Choi, she’ll tell you they are both endangered species.
Celebrate Research: Weeklong Activities Showcase Global and Human Perspectives
The entrepreneur, personalized genomics and work and family life balance are some of the topics to be explored in Celebrate Research Week March 7-14 at UBC’s Point Grey and Robson Square campuses, as well as partner hospital sites.
A Vision for Aboriginal Engagement
As UBC dedicates unprecedented resources to boost the recruitment of Aboriginal students, faculty and staff, it’s also leading a charge to recast Aboriginal involvement and engagement at all levels of education.
Domestic Abuse Victims Face Cultural Barriers: A Role for Physicians
Illuminating the barriers surrounding domestic abuse among South Asian women is part of Dr. Amritpal Arora’s goal to help women in his community.
The Joy of Teaching: EOS Profs Find New Ways to Enrich the Classroom Experience
“Fun” may not be the first word faculty always choose to describe teaching. It is, however, for Sara Harris and Roger Francois from the Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences (EOS).
Fulbright Profile:
What Makes Oceans, and Researchers, Resilient?
Jennifer Selgrath’s quest to study and restore the resilience of ocean habitats in the Philippines took a detour last year when she and her bike were struck by a car and thrown into oncoming traffic.
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Paralympic Showdown at UBC
Canadian Paralympians were the star attraction at UBC Thunderbird Arena, a 2010 competition venue, last week.
Team Canada, reigning World Champions, took on Germany, U.S.A and Japan at the Hockey Canada Cup Ice Sledge Hockey Tournament,
Feb. 24 – March 1. The gold medal tilt, broadcast by TSN, occurred after UBC Reports’ press deadline.
In addition to UBC Thunderbird Arena, UBC Robson Square will serve as the centre for approximately 5,000 non-sponsor media from around the world in 2010.
To learn more about UBC’s 2010 research, learning and facilities, visit www.ubc.ca/2010. |