Prof's contact hours and grading will increase, but his colleagues were all game, says History Dept. Head Daniel Vickers - photo by Martin Dee
UBC Reports | Vol. 53 | No. 8 |
Aug 9, 2007
This issue of UBC Reports has a back-to-school theme, highlighting several new teaching and research initiatives, the thoughts of an incoming student (and the response of a fourth-year student), and a Q & A about the student experience with UBC’s new Provost and Vice President, Academic.
History Profs Boldly Re-make Program
They say history is written by the winners. At UBC, it’s also written by undergraduates.
A Better Way to Evaluate Teaching
UBC students may not recognize their teacher and course evaluation forms this year.
Co-op Programs Grow In Popularity
Having taken a bite out of our national rodent, you could say Jessica McIntyre’s summer UBC co-op placement left a unique taste in her mouth.
Entering University Can be Exciting and Stressful
UBC Reports asked first-year student Michael Singh to share his questions about crossing the country to enter UBC -- and we asked current fourth-year student Lisa Wagner to respond.
First Nations Entrepreneurs
For aspiring entrepreneur Vivian Bomberry, the irony of the term cohort wasn’t lost when she began her studies in the Ch’nook Advanced Management Program.
Q & A with David Farrar
Question and answers with incoming Provost and Vice President, Academic, David Farrar.
Who Will Take Care of our Boomers?
Everyone ages. People just have different start dates.
Cultural Barriers for Diabetes Care
Chinese-Canadian diabetes patients will soon have access to customized health information with the launch of a Chinese language web site designed to reflect their unique diet and culture.
UBC Okanagan Faculties and Programs Grow
Among the new programs at UBC Okanagan this year are undergraduate degrees in Human Kinetics and Health Studies, and several new graduate degrees.
Getting Around Made Easier at UBC Okanagan
A reduced-cost public transit program for students, a new Bus Rapid Transit service, a new road network on campus, and a $14.5-million highway “flyover” are changing the look of transportation at UBC Okanagan this fall.
New Vancouver Study Options
Taking time to go abroad won’t be a problem for UBC Forestry students who choose the new Global Perspectives major.
A High-Tech Place to Call Their Own
UBC science students have become the envy of their peers for their swank new digs.
Scratching Beneath the Surface
This coming year, up to 600 students will have the opportunity to be part of new UBC-Community Learning Initiative (UBC-CLI) courses.