Syrian artifacts reveal the secrets of countless centuries of human habitation - photo by Marie-Claude Boileau
UBC Reports | Vol. 52 | No. 9 |
Sep. 12, 2006
Postcards from the Edge
This summer hundreds of students and faculty traveled near and wide as part of UBC study projects, international practica and fascinating research endeavours. This issue tells some of their stories, in their own words. The snapshots of learning experiences that emerge from locales as diverse as China and Syria, or Uganda and Peru, are likely to re-emerge as global insights from both sides of the lectern as classes resume this fall.
Exploring Syria’s Ancient Past
Despite the hot sun, which at 10:30 in the morning is already mercilessly beating down upon me, I can’t take my eyes off the ground in front of me.
Waiting on an Ecuadorian Roadside
In Ecuador, the sun rises every morning at 6 a.m., and sets every evening at 6 p.m.
On Top of the World: Dealing with Mining Challenges
It has already been six weeks since I arrived here at the Antamina mine in Peru. The region is so beautiful.
Navigating the Shipping Business
It’s 7:30 p.m. and I can’t believe it. I’m finally on board the Australian Spirit, a huge oil tanker.
Exploring B.C.’s Black Holes
I discovered my first “black hole” 15 years ago.
It was a large, circular depression — about four metres across and a metre deep.
Buying Socks in Harbin
After our interview, Aunt Liu and I stroll over to the nearby clothing market, where she plans to purchase some new socks for herself and her daughter.
Midwives Without Borders
In the midwifery unit, Ward 14, where we have been working so far, there are about 20–30 births a day.
Following the B.C. Sea Otter
It’s 6 a.m. when we pull up to a gravel beach on a small island on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island.