UBC graduate student David Toews with a winter wren in Tumbler Ridge, B.C. - photo courtesy of David Toews
UBC Reports | Vol. 52 | No. 11 |
Nov. 2, 2006
Birds of a Feather, Discovered Together
After millions of years of separation, two divergent forms of North American winter wrens have finally come together, and UBC zoologists have discovered where.
Driver Education Not Enough
Rick Clapton once believed driver training helped improve safety for motorists, but those views have taken a sharp U-turn.
West Nile Virus: To Spray Or Not To Spray?
When B.C. gets hit with an outbreak of West Nile Virus (WNV), pesticide spray programs will keep us all safe, right?
Conflicted On Immigration: Europe
If the world’s migrants were to gather in one place, they would form the fifth largest nation on earth.
Remote Community Engages UBC to Tackle Diabetes
It’s a heck of a commute. But the five-member team from UBC’s Dept. of Pediatrics had no complaints about clambering aboard a float plane crammed with equipment to travel 630 km. to Hartley Bay.
Alumni Focus: Goat’s The Hero In This Community
It all started with goats. In 2004, UBC PhD alumnus John Agak asked then-president Martha Piper for forty goats to help his home community in Kenya.
Podcast or Perish
Are journalists destined to be the Walkmans in a world of shiny new iPods?
Back to the Future: UBC Launches Next Community Planning Chapter
UBC is asking faculty, staff, students and residents for their views a new UBC Vancouver campus plan that will shape future land-use planning on UBC’s 404-hectare site.
The Student Experience in a Rankings Wrangle
November is the traditional month of undergraduate student-focused Canadian
university rankings. This year, UBC and 21 other Canadian universities declined to
participate in the Maclean’s rankings because of methodological concerns.