Prof. Rees is well-known for inventing the "ecological footprint analysis" - photo by Perry Zavits / Klixpix
UBC Reports | Vol. 52 | No. 4 |
Apr. 6, 2006

The Sustainability Issue
With hundreds of UBC students, faculty researchers, staff and alumni engaged in issues surrounding sustainability, more than 300 academic courses directly related to the subject, and a Trek 2010 strategic plan commitment, UBC Reports has decided to focus an entire issue on sustainability.
Look inside for a number of articles by our international experts on the global challenges in air, water, food and energy systems. At the same time, read how your UBC community is acting locally to make a difference.
Footprints to Sustainability
Almost everyone knows Pogo ‘Possum’s famous utterance from Earth Day, 1970.
UBC a Test Site on Hydrogen Highway
It can power a massive submarine or a 10-speed bike light, and the power source can be derived from pig manure.
Co-op Sprouts Planet-Friendly Foods
Can’t tell your eco-footprint from a one-tonne challenge? Don’t know a “Frankenfood” from a monocrop? Sprouts, Canada’s largest student-run food co-op, intends to change all that.
A Peek Past Peak Oil
The world’s production of oil has peaked and is on its way down, meanwhile the awakening of new economies like China and India has deepened the thirst for the stuff.
How Water Works in a Valley
When there’s only so much water to go around, who gets it and why?
The Unclear State of Our Water
A world-wide sustainability transition is intended to enhance human prosperity, protect the Earth’s life-support systems and reduce hunger and poverty.
Growing a New Generation of Green Buildings
Trees aren’t the only things sprouting up green at UBC these days. Walk into one of the newer buildings, and you’re likely to encounter a range of environmentally friendly features.
Courses Examine Food Systems Close to Home
The global food system that currently serves UBC and its region has delivered large volumes of low-cost food, but is also implicated in the health issues that flow from over and under-consumption.
Air Pollution
When most of us think of air pollution, images of factories belching smoke or vehicles leaving behind a cloud of soot often come to mind.
A Matter of Inter-Generational Justice
Sustainability primarily refers to the human use of the natural environment, and implies that we should sustain…something.
Beating the Kyoto Targets
In 1997, UBC was the first Canadian university to adopt a sustainability development policy.