Dr. Martin McKeown has created a colourful 3-D environment that stimulates brain activity - photo by Martin Dee
UBC Reports | Vol. 51 | No. 12 |
Dec. 1, 2005
Re-Wiring the Brain
It may look like a primitive video game, but this virtual environment is a sophisticated tool to help the brain re-wire itself after damage from stroke or Parkinson’s disease.
UBC Student Enlists Ugandan Girls in Education Research
UBC education student Shelley Jones helped Ugandan girls voice their ideas on literacy, gender and education.
A Renaissance of Aboriginal Literature
Aboriginal literature is undergoing a renaissance in Canada, says UBC creative writing instructor Richard Van Camp.
Artisanal Miners Risk Mercury Poisoning
When Cody Hopkins witnessed four Indonesian artisanal gold miners narrowly escape a landslide last summer, it hit home what a big difference he could make.
A Year of Living Profoundly
When UBC graduate student Shelley Jones, traveled to Uganda last August to research her education thesis, she had no idea she’d be returning a mom.
Science Co-op Launches Student on Global Journey
When UBC biophysics student Lars Jungclaus signed up for the Science Co-op Program, he never expected it to contribute to a better understanding of his family heritage, Islam and Korean culture.
Health Researchers Explore Communication Technologies to Deliver Care
When a child has a brain hemorrhage, a city doctor consults with a neurosurgeon -- and fast.