Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray (L) and UBC Okanagan
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Barry McBride - photo
by Tim Swanky
UBC Reports | Vol. 51 | No. 8 |
Aug. 4, 2005
When the New University Comes to Town
The creation of a UBC campus in Kelowna is helping define an exciting future for the Okanagan Valley’s largest city and for the entire region.
Chew on This
Two UBC researchers have developed a unique robotic jaw to help them better understand the role jaw movements play in perceiving and understanding face-to-face conversation.
Science Dean John Hepburn Has Been Appointed UBC Vice-President, Research
Effective October 1, 2005, Science Dean John Hepburn succeeds Dr. Indira Samarasekera, who was selected as President of the University of Alberta last November.
New Stories to Sustain Earth
Aliette Frank believes that stories shape our world. Individual stories and society’s narratives all possess the power to create, unify or destroy.
A Magic Reading Box
Most kids would find the Reading Tutor a pretty cool classroom buddy.
UBC Okanagan: Planning a Community of Excellence
UBC Okanagan’s bold new academic plan emphasizes “excellence at all times and in all things” and makes integrated research, interdisciplinary learning, and fun (yes, fun).
English Meets Art History
A different school of thought is taking shape at UBC Okanagan.
Okanagan Perfect Fit for Microchip Engineer
Imagine more than 15 million transistors packed onto a wafer the size of a thumbnail. Andrew Labun can tell you precisely how warm one of those transistors is.
Campus to Integrate History, Culture, Sustainability
Picture standing in a glass-walled atrium surrounded by panoramic snapshots of expansive grassland, pine forest and red brick buildings -- infused with a sense of local history and culture.