3D scanning provides interactive digital records and this
plastic model of totem - photo by Martin Dee
UBC Reports | Vol. 50 | No. 6 | Jun.
3, 2004
Totem in 3D: Museum of Anthropology Recreates a Northwest
Coast Monument
Imagine being able to “travel through” a traditional
Northwest Coast village site that no longer exists. Thanks
to three-dimensional laser scanning technology, the Museum
of Anthropology (MOA) at UBC may one day make this virtual
re-creation a reality.
Saving the Sea Star
Dried starfish candleholders. Toy cars sporting sea urchin
wheels. Sand dollar necklace pendants. Souvenirs crafted from
dead sea life have become such a ubiquitous part of the scenery
in tropical resorts, it’s easy to forget that these
curios were once living animals.
Dynamic Teaching Earns Faculty Killam Awards
There are three rules in Dr. Bob’s classroom, says
one student of music professor Robert Pritchard. 1) Don’t
Panic; 2) Stay with the tour; and 3) If you don’t understand,
it’s the teacher’s fault!
UBC Researcher Seeking a Cure for Baldness
Researcher Kevin McElwee -- one of only a few people in the
world who hold a doctoral degree in hair biology -- thinks
a cure for baldness that uses the technique of hair cloning
could be commercially available within 10 years.
Respectful Research Paramount to First Nations Studies
Traditional research methodologies often fall short in their
approaches to First Nations issues, according to the director
of UBC’s new First Nations Studies Program in the Faculty
of Arts.
First Nations Woman Reclaims Identity Through Education
Helen Bell came to UBC to pursue a bachelor’s degree,
but will be walking away with much more than a piece of paper:
learning to conduct research has opened the door to a wealth
of knowledge -- and her own identity.
New Survey Reveals Support for University Town Project
A recent survey conducted for UBC reveals that the majority
of people contacted are in favour of University Town, a project
that will bring a new mix of housing, academic buildings,
shops and amenities to the UBC campus.
Paying it Forward
Trying to find your way and your place in the world as a
university student can be exciting and rewarding. It can also
be overwhelming, confusing and frustrating.
New Centre Promises Better Treatments for Depression, Bipolar
People suffering from disabling mood disorders such as depression
and bipolar disorder can expect improved assessments and treatment
with the opening of the Mood Disorders Centre of Excellence
at UBC Hospital, part of the Vancouver Coastal Health Research
Institute (VCHRI).
Fighting Fire with Fire
As British Columbians brace for another summer of high forest
fire risk, UBC researcher Andrew MacDougall is preparing to
deliberately set alight some patches of the Cowichan Garry
Oak Preserve south of Duncan to study fire's power to restore
native plants.