Is it a bird? A plane? Electrical and computer engineering
professors Joseph Yan (left) and John Madden are designing
a dragonfly-like robot capable of autonomous flight -
photo by Martin Dee |
UBC Reports | Vol. 49 | No. 9 | Sep.
4, 2003
For all those who’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the
wall, scientists John Madden and Joseph Yan are working to
build low-cost, insect-like robots capable of flying on their
own to do the eavesdropping for you.
Teaching, University Research: Conflict and Co-operation
The relationship between teaching and research in modern
Canadian universities is a complicated one. While some analysts
claim that the two successfully reinforce each other for the
benefit of students, others argue that, in fact, research
and teaching compete for prestige and resources.
Bike Hub Re-born in SUB
The university has approved $137,500 in funding for the Bike
Co-op to set up a full-service facility in the Student Union
Building (SUB) for UBC’s two-wheeled commuters.
Hydro Savings Power Programs
They turned off lights and encouraged their colleagues to
use less paper in the photocopier and the efforts of UBC’s
125 Sustainability Co-ordinators (SCs) saved the university
$75,000 worth of electricity reductions in 2001.
First ComPASS Study Begins
For the first time in Canada, researchers will study if a
community transportation pass will reduce traffic congestion
and greenhouse gas emissions.
Saving Stumpy
Nobody remembers exactly how “Stumpy” got to UBC,
but the massive slice of western red cedar has been a mainstay
of the Biological Sciences building for more than half a century.
UBC United Way Campaign Fires up the Barbie
The 2003 UBC United Way Campaign kicks off with a BBQ Sept.
24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Student Union Plaza.
A Garden Grows in Surrey
Give a woman and her child potatoes and you feed them for
a day. Teach them how to grow potatoes and they can feed themselves
for a lifetime.
Promoting Teaching, Promoting Teachers
A common theme in most Canadian universities is that teaching
and research rank equally and reinforce each other. But, as
Assoc. VP, Research Don Brooks explains, “it’s a
lot easier to assess somebody, when they’re being promoted
or given tenure, on their research side than their teaching
UBC Alumni
A well-recognized figure in the international research community,
Martin Schechter is a pioneer in the field of HIV and AIDS
research and attracts a high level of grant funding for UBC
and its teaching hospitals.
Seriously Sick or Simply Sniffling?
Are the people receiving the most health-care services really
ill or are they healthy people overusing the system?