Article Submissions
UBC Reports is a monthly newspaper bringing its readers news of
the University of British Columbia community. Typical subscribers
are faculty, staff, and students. The newspaper is also distributed
to various Vancouver city hospitals, libraries and media newsrooms
across Canada.
Unsolicited manuscripts are welcomed and encouraged, although submission
is always on speculation and we cannot guarantee that every submitted
article will be published. Please consult the publication
deadlines for upcoming deadlines.
Frequently asked questions
How long should my article be?
Most UBC Reports articles are about 300 words.
Will you edit my article?
You bet. We will edit for length, style, grammar, flow etc.
Will I get to see it before you publish it?
Yes, but our production schedule will only allow for fact checking.
Will you pay me for the article?
What sort of articles would be acceptable?
We are always looking for articles on interesting people in our
community, their accomplishments, obstacles overcome, and their
When should I submit an article?
The publication deadlines appear on the deadlines
page but generally we need all submitted articles at least two weeks
before the issue's advertising deadline date. Please feel free to
e-mail us at
or call 604.822.6719 with your story ideas if you would like to
seek prior approval before writing.
Instead of submitting the article, can I submit an outline?
No, please finish the article and submit the article in its entirety.
Instead of submitting an article, can I submit a story idea
for your writers?
Yes, story ideas are always appreciated, but understandably we
can only react to story ideas that meet our needs.
Is it all right to include charts, graphs, artwork or photos
with the article?
Yes, although these elements might not be published, even if the
article is.
Can I get extra copies of the issue my article appears in?
Yes. We'll automatically send you extras.
I had an article published in another magazine / a local newspaper
/ another newsletter. Can I submit it to you?
Yes, but this may raise complicated copyright issues. If you can
assure us there will be no copyright violation, we will be happy
to consider your article for publication.
Will you accept letters to the editor?
Yes, but space is limited -- letters must be 300 words or less,
must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification.
See Letters to the Editor &
Opinion Pieces / Feedback for more information.
What not to do
Don't write "journal style" with the conclusion at
the end of the article.
Use newspaper style, or what journalists call "inverted pyramid"
style -- the most important facts are at the beginning, leading
to the least important at the end.
Don't use footnotes, endnotes or lists of references.
Such elements are more appropriate for submission to academic journals.
Don't use unusual indentations, tabular settings or other gimmicks
to draw attention.
Just write it straight.