UBC Reports | Vol.
51 | No. 4 |
Apr. 7, 2005
Trek 2010: The Global Vision
On March 10, UBC President Martha Piper inaugurated the Trek
2010 vision in a campus dialogue at the Chan Centre for the
Performing Arts. The dialogue included discussion about three
important themes presented by UBC scholars including global
citizenship (presented by Prof. Peter Boothroyd, School of
Community and Regional Planning); civil society (Margo Fryer,
Director, The UBC Learning Exchange), and Sustainability (John
Robinson, Director, UBC Sustainable Research Institute).
Piper put forward the following challenge:
“…Let there be no doubt: This new vision presents
us with a challenge. For underlying all of the Trek themes
is the recognition that universities have an increasingly
important role to play in society, not only as educators of
our future leaders, but also as active participants in the
search for solutions to the political, economic, and environmental
problems of our time.
… Trek 2010 will only be a reality if each of us chooses
to act, everyday - fulfilling our responsibilities as global
citizens and promoting the values of a civil and sustainable
society. Whether it is cleaning our buildings, processing
our research applications, developing our information systems,
serving our alumni, teaching our students, or conducting ground-breaking
research, we all have a role to play.”