UBC Reports | Vol. 48 | No. 11 | Sep.
5 , 2002
Imagine your Life on Campus
New programs offer support, information to first-year students
By Michelle Cook
Five thousand new students descended on campus Sept. 3 for
Imagine UBC, but the university's day-long undergraduate welcome
program isn't the only orientation initiative aimed at helping
first-year students connect to university life.
Every week, all first-year students will receive FYI (First
Year Insight) an e-newsletter offering information, advice
and guidance about the first-year experience.
Also new this year is the Emerging Leaders Initiative, a
program designed to help first-year students develop the skills,
attitudes and knowledge they need to prepare them to take
leadership roles at UBC and beyond. Connected to the Learning
pillar of the university's Trek vision statement, the program
was created to help students - especially those who commute
- find ways to get involved outside the classroom during their
first year on campus. The program kicks off the last weekend
of September with a Ropes challenge course. The course, made
up of a series of ropes and steel cables strung between trees
at the southern end of campus, presents teams with problem-solving
challenges. Students can sign up by calling 604-822-3680 or
e-mailing chad.hyson@ubc.ca
Students new to campus can also access academic support services
and resources at the Chapman Learning Commons. Opened in the
Main Library last spring, the Commons is a central source
of learning support and development for everyone, but particularly
new and commuter students. The high-tech learning space boasts
wireless Internet capabilities, 34 state-of-the-art flat-screen
computer stations, and a laptop-lending program.