UBC Reports | Vol. 47 | No. 05 | Mar.
8, 2001
Humanities, science scholars earn Killams
Recipients will be recognized at Chan Centre gala tonight
by Hilary Thomson staff writer
The nature of personality in early Greeks is the focus of
research for
Prof. Shirley Sullivan, one of 10 UBC Killam Research Prize
winners who
will be recognized at Celebrate the Stars, a gala event to be held
this evening
at the Chan Centre as part of Research Awareness Week.
The $5,000 individual prizes are equally divided between arts and sciences
"I am honoured to have my work recognized," says Sullivan, a faculty member in
the Dept. of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies since 1972. "In the
humanities particularly, one wonders if one's work is making an impact. It's
gratifying to have the commitment to research acknowledged."
Sullivan studies the cognitive process and its relationship to personality as
described in poetry, literature, philosophy and drama of the Archaic Age
(750-450 BCE).
The early Greeks' view of personality has similarities to eastern thought, she
says, in that the self was understood to be compartmentalized into a variety of
faculties such as insight, emotion or decision-making that could operate
independently and simultaneously with no single integrated psyche. Sullivan has
studied how this view gradually evolved to match our current understanding of
self and personality which was first described by Plato.
When she started her research and first understood the many elements that
comprise the early Greek notion of psyche, Sullivan admits she was a little
alarmed at the work that lay before her.
"I thought `this is going to take my whole life' -- and it has," she says, adding
that she has never tired of her subject and that colleagues' support and
research achievements have provided a model of encouragement.
The UBC alumna has written five books on her subject and says the Killam
prize will allow her to study abroad, preferably at Oxford. She is currently
studying Euripides' play The Hippolytus, looking at how
differences in the way characters make decisions contribute to
conflict and tragedy.
Other UBC Killam Research Prize recipients are: Fine Arts
Prof. John
O'Brian; Psychology Prof. Eric Eich; Psychology Assoc.
Prof. David
Geoffrey Hall; Computer Science Prof. David Kirkpatrick;
Computer Science Prof. Alan Mackworth; Chemical Engineering
Prof. James
Piret; Anatomy Prof. Joanne Weinberg; Geography Prof.
Graeme Wynn:
and Statistics Prof. James Zidek.
Also announced are the Izaac Walton Killam Memorial Fellowships. The
fellowships top up faculty salaries by up to $15,000 during sabbatical leaves.
Scholars also receive a $3,000 grant for research and travel expenses.
Recipients are: Sociology Assoc. Prof. Dawn Currie; History Assoc.
Prof. Caroline Ford; Geography Prof. Derek Gregory; Statistics
Assoc. Prof. Paul Gustafson; Psychology Assoc. Prof. D.
Hall; Biotechnology Prof. Wilfred Jefferies;
Asian Studies
Assoc. Prof. Ross King; Physics and Astronomy Assoc. Prof.
Janis McKenna;
Law Asst. Prof. Judith Mosoff; Physics and Astronomy Asst.
Prof. Douglas Scott.
See also: Researchers
among latest stars to shine