
Robert Evans has been honoured with a Career Achievement Award from the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of B.C. (CUFA/BC) for his contribution to the study of health-care economics.

The award is given annually by CUFA/BC which represents about 3,600 faculty, professional librarians and other academic staff at B.C.'s public universities.

A professor of Economics and faculty member at the UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, Evans is widely regarded as the single most influential academic in Canadian health-care policy development.

One of five aboriginal students who have won scholarships through the Royal Bank's Native Student Awards Program will be attending UBC this fall.

Kailee Horbatch of Port Alberni will receive $4,000 annually for educational expenses for a maximum of four years as part of the award. The award winners were selected on the basis of their academic and personal achievements as well as their financial need. The competition was open to Inuit and Metis high school students as well as status or non-status aboriginal Canadians.

Royal Bank launched the program in 1992 to recognize and help fund the post-secondary studies of outstanding native students across Canada.