
Seeing The Vision

Members of UBC's Board of Governors, Alma Mater Society President Vivian Hoffman and other campus representatives joined President Martha Piper as she met with Biology 120 students on Nov. 19 to kick off the campus launch of Trek 2000, UBC's vision for the 21st century. Trek 2000 was approved by the Board of Governors at its November meeting, after having been endorsed by Senate in October. "Trek 2000, which sets out a series of principles, goals, strategies and operational timetables, is critical as we head into the 21st century," said Piper. "It is a result of over 14 months of extensive consultation, both on and off the campus." Hoffman encouraged students to take a role in shaping the university's future. "This document has a lot of things in it that students can be excited about," she said. For a summary of Trek 2000, please turn to