Commuters asked to leave cars March 4

On March 4th, march forth!

That's the message Gord Lovegrove, UBC's director of Transportation Planning, is putting out to the campus community.

Lovegrove is asking everyone who normally comes to campus in a single-occupant vehicle (SOV) to consider for just one day -- March 4, Trek to UBC Day -- an alternative means of getting to campus. That could mean cycling, walking, telecommuting, using public transportation, or car or van pooling.

"The purpose of Trek to UBC Day is to raise awareness on campus of the whole transportation issue, and to try to meet our overall goal of reducing single-occupant vehicle trips to campus by 20 per cent for at least one day," said Lovegrove.

"We also want to show the Greater Vancouver Regional District, the City of Vancouver, BC Transit and other service providers that we're serious about this, but that we need their help.

"Ultimately it's about staff, students and faculty at UBC showing themselves that they can do it one day per week to hit the 20 per cent mark."

Lovegrove and the Student Environment Centre are asking for volunteers to help sign up participants. Volunteers will be asked to use sign-up forms to collect information on how individuals normally get to campus and what SOV-alternative transportation they will use on March 4.

"We will be offering coupons for cinnamon buns and coffee at bicycle parking areas, the bus loop, and to car and van pool participants. Parking lot users may face higher than usual costs for that day only to cover the cost of the coupons," he said.

The UBC Trek Program Centre, which Lovegrove heads, has published a second discussion paper titled Options and Priorities.

This paper deals with options for resolving issues raised in the first paper published in January. It also identifies issues as long- or short-term priorities.

Students, faculty and staff are urged to get a copy and complete the brief questionnaire regarding the options and priorities. Both are available at various locations including: AMS Student Environment Centre (SUB second floor); University Services Building (second floor, 2329 W. Mall); and the West Point Grey and Dunbar public libraries.

The paper's executive summary and questionnaire are also available on the Trek Web site at

Comments and questionnaires received over the next month will be used as the basis for developing the initial draft of the UBC Strategic Transportation Plan.

For information call the Trek Program Centre at 822-1304, or e-mail