Fifteen UBC projects designed to upgrade classrooms and labs by the end of
March will receive nearly $2 million in funding from the Ministry of Advanced
Education, Training and Technology.
Surfing the net for jobs and career information is now a whole lot easier thanks
to a new Canada-wide electronic hiring hall developed by faculty and student
volunteers at UBC and the universities of Alberta and Western Ontario.
A portion of the David Lam Asian Garden in UBC's Botanical Garden is now accessible
to wheelchair users thanks to recent trail improvements made possible by funding
from the Coca-Cola Disability Access Fund, the Dorothy Lam Memorial Fund and
the volunteer group, Friends of the Garden.
Snoring is just a noisy nuisance, right?
Wrong. Snoring can be a symptom of a potentially life-threatening disorder,
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and UBC professor of Oral Health Sciences Alan
Lowe has invented a device to help.
Personal security information is now available around the clock thanks to Safe@UBC,
a new safety resources Web site.