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Public Information Meetings on APEC '97

A president for the 21st century takes her place

Students will play a major role in the day's events as Martha Piper is installed as UBC's 11th president on Thursday, Sept. 25.

Women to get boost in computing field

The University of British Columbia launched a major project this month to increase the participation of B.C. women in information technology careers.

Donations help needy students balance books

Thanks to donations, students this fall will benefit from 50 new financial awards worth about $415,000.

Prostate cancer needs closer study, experts say

Gram for gram it's the most diseased organ in the body, say local investigators.

Yet in 1995/96 only $560,000 was spent in Canada for research into prostate cancer according to a survey of 22 granting agencies.

Campus climate group first to predict El Niño

UBC's Climate Prediction Group were among the first in the world to predict this year's El Niño event -- the first time an El Niño has been correctly forecast in Canada.

Community care key to unique pharmacy program

Pharmaceutical Sciences is prescribing advanced clinical skills, unique projects and patient involvement for graduates taking its community pharmacy residency program.

Doctor aims to prevent bone breaks among aged

It's called the silent thief.

Affecting 1.4 million Canadians, it results in fractures, deformity, disability and is a significant cause of death among the elderly.

Yet many people don't even consider osteoporosis to be a disease, according to European findings.