
Applied Science

Engineering change for a changing world

by Stephen Forgacs
Staff writer

Faculty emphasizes "real life" experience

Work and academic experience that now seem exceptional for a student graduating with an undergraduate degree in engineering could become commonplace as UBC's engineering programs change with the times

Students solve waste problem inexpensively

A group of Engineering Physics students has designed a small device that will encourage the recycling of aluminum waste chips from machine shops, and help reduce the release of harmful chemicals in the recycling process.

First class to graduate with double degrees

The first group of graduates ever from the challenging Electro-Mechanical Engineering option will receive two degrees each during the Spring Congregation ceremonies this May.

"Fun" earns researcher a sterling reputation

Prof. Keith Brimacombe has long had a fascination with how things work, something he credits to his early years spent in a farming community in Alberta.

This fascination, coupled with what he sees as an engineer's obligation to society, led him into the sweltering confines of Canadian steel mills on a quest to understand and improve the processes involved in steel production.

Engineering video wins award

A video produced for the Faculty of Applied Science to encourage high school students, especially women and other under-represented groups to consider engineering as a career, has won its second international award.

Women in Engineering at UBC