UBC Reports
July 11, 1996

United Way UBC co-chairs begin 1996 team building

Prof. Ray Hall, from the Dept. of Theatre and Film, and Margaret Sayer of University Computing Services, have been named co-chairs of the 1996 UBC United Way Campaign.

Both have been active in previous campaigns and are currently planning, organizing and building the team of volunteers for the campaign kick-off on Sept. 26.

Volunteers are needed at the department, service unit and faculty levels. A calendar of campus events will be published in UBC Reports leading up to the start of the campaign.

To join the fun and be a United Way volunteer please contact Ray Hall at 822-6405 (phone), 822-0508 (fax) or rjhall@ unixg.ubc.ca. Margaret Sayer can be reached at 822-6141 (phone), 822-9837 (fax) or sayer@ucs.ubc.ca.