UBC Reports
July 11, 1996


Halide light shines superior


This is in support of a letter by Ian Fisher (UBC Reports, Feb. 22). He argues that sodium lighting is vastly inferior to halide. We (the Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology) have been trying for years to get adequate lighting around our building and particularly along the bush-lined path between us and the Museum of Anthropology. In one of the discussions by the departmental safety committee of the various options, the question of the relative safety of sodium against incandescent was raised but not answered. Since, in addition to lower illumination, sodium distorts colour, we decided that one is less likely to see someone hiding in the bushes than if lighting is incandescent or halide. We have been unable to find any research that would refute this expectation. The problems in our area are exacerbated by a historic aesthetic principle that specified lighting at waist height rather than having an elevated source. Incandescent lighting at waist height is worse, i.e., less safe, than elevated sodium lights; but neither of these is acceptable against the alternative of elevated incandescent or halide.

Braxton M. Alfred
Associate Professor
Anthropology and Sociology

BA good, but skills better


I read with deep amusement Prof. Robert Allen's "The Economic Benefits of Post-Secondary Training and Education." (UBC Reports supplement, May 2).

In spite of Allen's ivory tower statistics, those of us with university degrees who are living in the real world have arrived at very different conclusions than he has, based on real life experience. University liberal arts graduates rarely find employment in their fields, usually find themselves under- employed and under-paid, and are usually rejected for many positions because they are considered over-educated and less flexible than non-graduates. (I base my findings upon the countless hundreds of graduates with whom I've spoken over the last few years).

Conversely, a very significant number of students who have attended university either pursue a professional diploma after graduation, or drop out of university to pursue a professional program, because they discover that the benefit of a university education is badly overrated, and next to useless in an ever-shrinking job market. The reality is that the job market is becoming more and more super-specialized and technological. And if Prof. Allen is not convinced of this, he should try beating the pavement in search of a job in today's working world without specialized high-tech skills.

Most employers may view a degree as an added plus when they hire new people, but they are going to look at one's practical experience and skills first. The bottom line for them is always going to be productivity and dollar signs.

In short, a degree is nice to have, but it is like a sugar-coated candy that is becoming too impractical and cost-prohibitive to pursue in today's high-tech economy.

Brian McGregor-Foxcroft, BA

GSS Executive raises concerns


On June 3, the GSS Executive suspended with pay Dale Reid, manager of the graduate lounge (Koerner's), and hired a forensic auditing firm (estimated cost: $5-7,000) to investigate certain questions in relation to its operations.

While responsibility for staff relationships normally rests with the Lounge Committee, on this occasion the Executive assumed emergency powers. They then called an extraordinary meeting of the GSS Council for June 6, 1996. Entering the meeting with absolutely no background material, councillors were told that the meeting was to be in camera, that they were not allowed to have copies of any materials relevant to the issue, and that they were prohibited from divulging to outsiders any information proffered at the meeting. Faced with the prospect of Executive resignation, councillors were asked to retroactively ratify Executive actions. After two hours of discussion, the motion was passed.

As a councillor, I have a number of concerns with these actions. First, whether action by Executive decree was necessary given that the GSS Lounge Committee has authority over staff, including the manager. Second, whether the request for an audit should have been made at a regular meeting, upon recommendation of the Lounge Committee. Third, whether the refusal to provide councillors with copies of any materials pertinent to the Executive's actions was appropriate in circumstances where informed debate and decision-making are desirable. Fourth, whether the restriction on disclosure by councillors was compatible with their representative function.

The last action extended to the staff at Koerner's who were told verbally and in writing by Executive members on June 3 that if they communicated in any way with Dale Reid they could be subject to dismissal. In light of this, all of the staff signed a petition urging council to insist upon the resignation of those members of the Executive who initiated the investigation of Reid if no significant wrongdoing on his part is revealed.

It seems strangely coincidental that this costly investigation comes at a time when the Executive has come under criticism for the running deficit and mounting debt ($120,000) that has not been addressed. Whether or not anything is revealed, the Executive will have at least diverted attention away from their own poor performance with respect to overall budgeting, GSS management of Koerner's and use of GSS resources. Meanwhile the increasing alienation of the graduate student body from the GSS goes unabated.

David G. Murphy
Graduate Student Society Councillor-Political Science

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